Since 1984, SMPO has represented Buyers and Sellers in government leased and Credit Tenant real estate transactions. SMPO has developed over 150 USPS locations and brokered over 500. We have advertised in the Wall Street Journal for over 20 years and built a large database of investors answering our ads and buying our properties. With its simple one button design, draw activated firing and quick charging capability, the SMPO Starter Kit is an ultra-portable mouth to lung styled pod system that delivers. Please Note: All SMPO Starter Kits are packaged with 1x 1.8ml Classic Tobacco Pod.
Acronym | Definition |
SMPO | Sands Montessori Parent Organization (Ohio) |
SMPO | Sound Motion Picture Operator (US Navy) |
SMPO | Styrene Monomer Propylene Oxide |
SMPO | Software Migration Project Office (IBM service to migrate databases) |
SMPO | Specialist Migrant Placement Officer (Australia) |
SMPO | Senior Military Personnel Officer |
SMPO | Sequential Multipliers with Parallel Output |
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Smoothie King
Industry with Tradition

The fast-growing family business was quick to recognise industry as a market in its own right, and has remained true to this ever since. From the SCHAUENBURG group of companies, two independent and successful sub-groups emerged: SCHAUENBURG INTERNATIONAL and SCHAUENBURG TECHNOLOGY.
SCHAUENBURG functions as a holding company dedicated to industrial enterprises. The emphasis is on profitable businesses managed by skilled individuals and specialising in niche technologies. With well-established traditions and the future firmly in its sights, SCHAUENBURG is a modern, internationally oriented group of companies.